Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Extended Unemployment?

In the times of tough economies, the government has done the best it can to help the citizens out of it, but this is a first. The government is extending the length of time one can receive unemployment benefits. Someone can recieve payments for twelve months now instead of six as long as they provide proof of looking for employment. The graph above shows the unemployment rates of the states. Michigan having the highest unemployment rate in the US.

For me, this is a double edged sword:

On one hand, people are getting the funds to pay for goods and services they need, but this in the end, is my tax money. And I do not want my money paying for people who are not really looking for jobs. They can go to interviews, and do job searches to have "proof" of searching. But I believe that some people are taking advantage of the system, and should not be allowed to recieve benefits for twelve months.

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